Archive for September, 2011

Poverty and Education

Nowaday, education is one of the most important thing in life for everyone. Back then, when I was at Cambodia, I had a friend who was really poor and unable to have any good school supply or uniform.. She alway shown up everyday even it wasn’t on time. She was one of the clever student in my class, but the fact of poverty she had to gave up school to help her family out.

Luckily, since preschool i alway have the best teachers. They never treated me like a small piggy bank. They alway try their best to explain everything. When it come to problem they alway going to be there and help me out.

By” Knowledge Construction” Freire meant, education is really important and everyone should not give up and must try really hard to succeed in order to get a good job and get away from poverty.


Sometimes two people have to fall apart just to realize how much they need to fall back together again. That’s never ending love =) ♥ Goodnight everyone, Sweet dreams ♥

Life and Writing

Life and Writing are very similar! In Writing, we need to have lots of tools like papers, pencils, pens, etc. Of course we will make lots of mistakes when we write our first draft, that’s why we have our teacher to help, show, and correct it. Even though we have learned from the first draft, on the second one we still make mistakes but this time, we sure will write a better.

Similar to Writing, we need to have lots of things in order to live your life such as home, foods, transportation, and of course money. We grow up with lots of mistakes and that’s why our parents always be there to help us, so that we won’t repeat that mistakes in the future. In conclusion, i agreed to what people said that, ” the process of writing and specially re-writing is a lot like life.”